More Resources
Research to Strengthen Your Case
Governing magazine: “The Demise of the Public Hearing”
Governing Magazine is the leading internet and print platform for state and local news on politics, policy, and management. This article details why public managers are choosing to engage differently. It is loaded with additional references and links.
National League of Cities: “Making Local Democracy Work: Municipal Officials’ Views About Public Engagement”
The NLC provides research and professional support to municipal officials. This report details how widespread engagement is and how municipal officials value public engagement.
Additional Guides and Important Organizations
Deliberative Democracy Consortium Resources List
The Deliberative Democracy Consortium serves as a bridge between practitioners and researchers. Their “resources” page is loaded with good guides, research, and tools for expanding engagement.
NCDD’s Resource Guide on Public Engagement
This widely used and accessible guide contains helpful definitions, additional links to resources, recommendations for online engagement, and process specific examples for public engagement.
Institute for Policy and Civic Engagement’s “Dialogue and Deliberation for Civic Engagement in Chicago: Building a Community of Practice”
If you are going to deepen engagement in your community one of the first things you should do is have a healthy understanding of its infrastructure—they key places, people, and organizations where public discussion happens. This report provides an excellent example for Chicago.
EPA’s Public Participation Guide
This wide-ranging guide is oriented toward managers of public agencies. It is loaded with tools, resources, templates and research.
NCDD’s Favorite YouTube Videos
NCDD is a network of more than 2,000 researchers and practitioners doing a variety of engagement work. Their YouTube channel has a healthy mix of instructional and informational videos on a variety of topics.